The Local Authority (Children & Young People Services, also known as Social Care) may become involved after receiving concerns about the care being afforded to a child or children. We understand that any legal proceeding involving children can be extremely difficult for all parties involved. We take every step possible to ensure the comfort and well being of the clients we serve.
If the Local Authority/Social Services make any indication that they will be making an application to Court in relation to your child or children then you will need to take urgent legal advice. Our family solicitors fully understand the wide area of law that surrounds childcare cases and can advise you at every stage of child care proceedings.
They are able to advise parents in making the necessary changes to enable them to keep their child or children in their care, during both the pre-proceedings stage and during care proceedings.
Our experienced solicitors are devoted to achieving the best outcome for you and your family

Social Services involvement with a family can be a difficult and uncertain time, especially if there is a suggestion that the child or children may be removed from the parents care.
Our solicitors can provide legal advice and representation at any stage during Social Services involvement, including initial enquiries, child protection conferences, pre-proceedings meetings or court proceedings.
We have a strong reputation for fighting for our clients and achieving successful outcomes. We will guide you through this difficult and frightening time with compassion while offering practical advice.
Legal Aid remains available for public law proceedings and care proceedings where the Local Authority are involved in relation to matters concerning children.
Any legal aid application made in respect of these proceedings are both non-means and non-merits tested. Therefore, you will be eligible for legal aid regardless of your financial circumstances and provided you are the child/children's parent.
If you need advice in relation to public law proceedings or care proceedings then contact our Family Department on 01744 757877 or email at enquiries@haygarthjones.co.uk.
If you are notified that Social Services are to issue care proceedings in respect of your child or children then you must contact us immediately.
Proceedings are usually issued when Social Services believe a child or children is suffering or is likely to suffer significant harm. They will ask the court to decide whether your child or children require a legal order to protect them from harm.
The first step will involve an initial court hearing, however, before that the Local Authority will send papers to the court which sets out why they are concerned for the child's safety. You will receive a copy of those papers, though we can accept service on your behalf meaning the papers will be sent to us.
After the initial hearing, the court will make a number of directions including whether an Interim Care or Supervision Order should be made, where the child or children should reside until the final hearing and also the level of contact you should have.
Pre-proceedings Meetings
Interim Care Order
Care Order
Supervision Order
Emergency Protection Order
Special Guardianship Order
Placement Orders
Child Arrangements Orders
Initial Child Protection Case Conference
Child Protection Review Conferences