Domestic violence can occur between couples who are or have been in an intimate relationship, and can include different types of behaviour ranging from controlling and emotional abuse to physical and verbal abuse. It is important to take action before the situation escalates. If you fear for your immediate safety then you should always contact the Police on 999. Children can also become victims if they have witnessed domestic violence.
Our family solicitors are experienced in protecting victims of domestic violence and will respond quickly to your enquiry whether made by telephone or email.
We understand that being the victim of abuse by a current partner or ex-partner is a frightening experience which is why we handle all cases in a sensitive manner with the aim of protecting you from any further abuse.
Our team of solicitors will advise you on which legal options are available to you, allowing you to make informed choice of which steps you wish to take. Those steps can include applying to the court for an injunction to protect you and your family.
No one should suffer at the hands of domestic abuse; both physically and/or mentally, which is why we at Haygarth Jones Solicitors will talk you through which steps to take. Anything we discuss is done so in absolute confidence and we will adjust our service to meet your exact requirements.
Our solicitors will discuss with you which Court Order you require, either a 'Non-Molestation Order' or an 'Occupation Order'. These can be applied for on an emergency basis and our solicitors will attend with you at Court in order to obtain these.
Our clients often require assistance from other support services. We can make referrals for you to access those support services such as domestic abuse charities or housing advice services who can assist with any housing problems.
Domestic violence is one of the few remaining areas of law where Legal Aid is still available.
Our solicitors will advise you as to whether you qualify for Legal Aid and will help you complete and submit your application.
We at Haygarth Jones can advise you on the two types of Court Orders available to you as the victim of domestic violence. These are:-
This prevents the threat or use of violence and the use of harassment or intimidation. It can also prevent any specific behaviour which you are afraid of.
This Order can be applied for where there may be significant risk of harm to yourself or your children, or where you simply no longer feel safe in your home. The court can order that your partner or your spouse leaves the home and prevents them from returning to the home, or coming within a close distance of it.
If the Police believe that these Orders have been breached then they can make an arrest. If the person breaching the Order is found guilty then they will be in contempt of Court and can be sent to prison.
Both of these injunctions can be applied for on an emergency basis and an order can be obtained within 24 hours.
If you are the victim of domestic violence and seek help then contact our Family Department on 01744 757877 or if you cannot speak over the phone then email enquiries@haygarthjones.co.uk and we will assist you as best we can until there is a time where you can speak on the phone.